EEDF: The software package for calculations of Electron Energy Distribution Function
Developed under the guidance of Prof. Napartovich A. P. by Drs. Dyatko N. A., Kochetov I. V. and Sukharev A. G. |
State Science Center Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (TRINITI), 142190, Troitsk, Russia |
EEDF is a user-friendly program for the numerical solution of Boltzmann equation for the Electron Energy Distribution Function in low-ionized plasma in an electric field. It is used for calculations of electron transport and kinetic coefficients in gas mixtures.
The reference to EEDF program should be given as follows
Dyatko N.A., Kochetov I.V., Napartovich A.P. Sukharev A.G. EEDF: the software package for calculations of the electron energy distribution function in gas mixtures,
main features
cross sectionsData Bank consists of a number of files containing data on cross-sections for the electron scattering from atoms and molecules. download EEDF package for Windowscontact authors |
The EEDF Access SystemThe EEDF Access System provides an easy, MENU-driven way to access the Data Bank and programs. Using the MENU-system one can do the following operations:
Result Viewing programoptions
calculated parameters
Cross-Section Viewing program
Note: please be aware that LXCat cross sections are not compatible with EEDF program. |